
The Winners of the HR Vendors of the Year Awards for Singapore Have Been Announced

The winners of the HR Vendors of the Year Awards for Singapore have been announced and we’re over the moon to share that we’ve won multiple accolades this year.

Best Leadership Development Consultancy: Gold
Best Management Training Provider: Silver
Best Digital Learning Provider: Bronze
Best Team Building Provider: Bronze
Best Response to Covid-19: Bronze

It has been an intense year of change and growth for us as we expand into new practice areas and continue to improve our training methods. It’s surreal to see our efforts pay off as we stand on the stage to receive these awards in Singapore.

To the people of People Potential who have put in so much of your heart to strive for excellence, thank you. And to all of our clients and supporters, we cherish and value your years of continuing support. We couldn’t have achieved this much without you.


If you’d like to check out the rest of this year’s HR Vendors of the Year 2022 winners for Singapore, click here.
