Build confidence by learning the fundamentals of professional business presentations with our programme that has crossed the 30-year mark.
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Presentations Alive!™ Essentials

Present Confidently

Support Staff

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Presentations Alive!™

Present Professionally

Middle Managers, Technical Specialists, and High Potentials

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Presentations Alive!™ Advanced

Present with Presence

Senior Managers, Senior Technical Specialists, and High Potentials

Business Issue

Poor presentation skills erode credibility and waste time.

It’s time to get the basics right—from support staff to senior leaders—so that teams, departments, and the entire organisation can be more productive every day.

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Business Need

There is a need for a training programme to build confidence in making presentations.

This foundational skill is essential for maintaining a professional presence when interacting with both internal and external stakeholders.

Business Impact

When presentations have a well-thought-out structure and are delivered with impact, they boost audience engagement, improve message retention, and drive meaningful action.

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What are the core modules and objectives in Presentations Alive!™?

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Structure the text of the presentation
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Learn principles of slide design and delivery
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Get engagement through non-verbal communication
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Calmness & Confidence

Build confidence for credibility

What is the difference between the versions?

We customise the programme for the different target learners, adjusting for simplicity, complexity, more practice, and more depth. The more advanced versions contain added material as learners require more knowledge and skills in their roles.

In High-Performance Presentations Coaching, we work one-on-one, in pairs, or in small groups with your senior managers, senior technical specialists, and high potentials to elevate their professional presence.

Product Uniqueness

Since 1994, Presentations Alive!™ has been delivered to more than 16,500 corporate participants across Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. It transforms presentations in your organisation by equipping your staff with the basics in a highly-interactive class with a comprehensive take-away tool.

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Post-Training Reinforcement

Our training programmes come with a user-friendly Behaviour Change system for the learner. Ask us about our solution that helps your staff to apply their newly acquired skills at work.

Have more questions?

Talk to us about the needs for different target learners in your organisation.


No matter what profession you’re in or how old you are, you’ll really need this programme to help enhance your presentation skills.
August 2023Consulting
The training included both theory and applications, which makes me better understand how to improve myself.
August 2023Insurance
The training broadened my knowledge on how to prepare for presentations. It teaches me to not only focus on the content but also my vocals and gestures.
September 2023Semiconductor
This programme trains people to bring out their best when it comes to presenting their ideas to key audiences and gives structured ways on how to approach it.
December 2023Oil & Gas